Friday, February 10, 2012

in the room of a pre teen

I was cleaning up Logan's room for him, while he was away, when I stopped to look around and take it in.  He's such a sentimental child yet he's becoming a teenager.  He spends a lot of time in his room, with the door closed, so I don't know what he's always up to. 

I thought I'd document what I appreciated about Logan.  Some of the things that caught my eye:

- We let him grafitti the wall, outside his window, so he didn't have to look at a brick wall.  Funny- he grafitti's about Sarge and California.
- His scriptures are on top of everything, like was reading them.
- The sand jar from our wedding is on top of his desk
- He loves golf and he was given a book by John Bytheway about golf
- A box my mom made for him with the plans for a family airplane that my grandfather and great grandfather built
- His letter to Santa (he doesn't believe in, any more).  He asks for a Lamborghini that I can take him to school in.
- Kanka-Aide

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