Friday, December 16, 2011

golfing: a family affair

Logan will be the first to admit that he does not enjoy ball sports and that he prefers quadding, the dunes ... anything that has to do with driving.  The Goodman men have a golf tourney each year and this year, we happen to have BOTH boys home so Kaiden and Logan will be golfing with all the Goodman men!  Logan is soo excited!

Last night, we went to the driving range to get some practice in.  Logan is really good, especially for his first time trying REAL golf.  I wish I could be there to watch my three boys tear it up, on Saturday, but no girlies are allowed.  I can't wait to see pictures of how they did and how much fun they were having.

addi and uma: sassy, fun, loving bond

These two.  They have some bond!  My mom and Addi were hanging out in the truck while we were chatting with our friends and waiting for Logan and the RZR.  I heard some crazy laughs coming from the cab of the truck ... I snuck around the truck and snapped some pics.  You can se the love they have for each other.

boys and their toys: logan and a rzr

On Sunday, Dec. 11, we went to the hangar to finish cleaning up.  A few of our friends were hanging out at Alan's hangar so we went to say hi.  While we were talking, Logan was offered the opportunity to drive one of the RZR's.  He was IN heaven!  Kathan went with him and said he's a good driver.

We have such awesome and generous friends!

rommie is born

We got a call a little after 8am on Sunday from Cody (one of Heath's younger brothers). They had their baby!! Rommie Lamar was born on Dec. 11. Jenny is a trooper, she had him totally natural. He is sooo teeny tiny; the same size Addison was at birth, 6lbs 7oz.

We were able to go see him, before dropping Kaiden off at the airport.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the joining of two families: our begining as "the goodman's"

In February 2011, Heath asked me to marry him on the top of Sunrise Ski Resort.  It was to be kept a secret.  We would disguise our wedding as my 31st surprise birthday party!

This was THE hardest secret I have ever kept, but such an amazing bonding experience between me and Heath as we planned our wedding together.  Good thing we're best buds and balance each other out otherwise, I would have gone crazy.

The timeline of how our wedding went down:

Here are some pictures taken by our dear friend, Ken Henderson, before the ceremony, earlier in the day.  It was beautiful and Falcon Field was having some museum show.  We had many planes to choose from.  It couldn't have worked out more perfect!!

handsome brothers

I could not be happier than to be married to Heath.  He's THE most amazing human being I know!  I am so honored to be his wife!!

Thank you to all of our amazing friends and family who came to support me and us.  I can't even begin to express my gratitude for how loved we are.