Wednesday, February 22, 2012

lets play ball

It's sad and kind of embarrassing, but Logan was never taught how to play baseball. If you have ever met or seen his biological dad, you'll understand why. ha ha.

Me and Logan were talking one day about memories. I told him one of my most favorite memories was my Dad taking me to and from all of my tball and little league games. Logan said, "I'd like to play baseball". I was sure he'd back out and change his mind, but he hasn't! In fact, we signed him up for Little League and Heath is his coach!! We are sooo excited and can't wait for the season to start!

This was Logan's first lesson in how to hit and throw a ball. He did awesome. I think he's found a good sport for him and I'm super thankful for Heath for being such a manly, man influence on Logan!

videos to and from ben

Over the past two weeks, my sister in law has been sending videos of Ben; as he's growing and learning new things!  It is so much fun to see him and I cannot wait to give him a huge hug and kiss when we finally get to meet him!! 

This is Ben, watching our first video:

We were at Frys and the kids were playing with the Easter toys and found this bunny and HAD to send a video to Ben.  I had NO idea they were going to bust out with their dance moves, in the middle of Frys!!  They are so awesome!!  Can't wait to see how Ben likes this one!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Not so great magic trick

So Logan puts a car under a mug (while Heath is watching) then attempts to shuffle them around to see if Heath can guess which cup it's in....really Logan?! Such a blondie!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Official....for reals!!!

I was so excited when my early ballot came on the same day as my SS know what that means? I'm officially a Goodman! Yay!

{PS}  The kids were super excited to help me vote too! They voted for Romney!

Friday, February 10, 2012


I found this "PIN" on Pinterest ...

It's so true!!  I am so lucky because I see this so often in our home!  The kids had to go to their Dad's on Thursday, so on Wednesday night, Heath planned a family game night and we played pictionary.  Boys v Girls.  It was a blast and the kids loved it!  So did Sarge .. all the energy and saying, "ready, set, go" he was going crazy!!

Addi had olives so she drew a hand with olives on the fingers, just like Papa eats them with her.


Logan had "front flip".  VERY creative!

in the room of a pre teen

I was cleaning up Logan's room for him, while he was away, when I stopped to look around and take it in.  He's such a sentimental child yet he's becoming a teenager.  He spends a lot of time in his room, with the door closed, so I don't know what he's always up to. 

I thought I'd document what I appreciated about Logan.  Some of the things that caught my eye:

- We let him grafitti the wall, outside his window, so he didn't have to look at a brick wall.  Funny- he grafitti's about Sarge and California.
- His scriptures are on top of everything, like was reading them.
- The sand jar from our wedding is on top of his desk
- He loves golf and he was given a book by John Bytheway about golf
- A box my mom made for him with the plans for a family airplane that my grandfather and great grandfather built
- His letter to Santa (he doesn't believe in, any more).  He asks for a Lamborghini that I can take him to school in.
- Kanka-Aide

Lucky Dodger

Heath came home super late one morning (he already gets home at midnight). He said he was trying to find a place for our new pet. We can barely handle Sarge ... I was curious what KIND of new pet. It was a horse!!!  Heath already named her Dodger, because she was dodging traffic.  Addi just about died! Both kids went to school telling all their friends about their new pet!!! Addi even wore her boots, to "set the mood", of having this new pet.

DPS got a call for a horse running on the highway. Heath and his Sargent answered the call. Heath being the cowboy he is, was able to get the poor colt and lead her to the side of the highway. For 2 miles, Heath and this colt walked to the nearest stables to see if she belonged to them, as his Sargent drove slowly next to them.

This colt didn't belong to this stable so he asked if he could keep her there for the night and come back in the morning to speak with the owner. "Lucky" (Addi named her) stayed over night at this ranch and in the morning Heath went to speak with the owner to find out what happens next to this poor horse. After talking about the options, Heath and the owner made arraignments for Heath to come back on Thursday to pick her up and we would take her to a ranch that Heath's uncle has. As Heath was leaving the property, a truck stopped him. After talking to this gentlemen about the colt he found, it turns out this colt belongs to another little 9 year old girl who's training to be a barrel rider. This colt comes from champion blood and is worth $10,000!! The owner followed Heath's tracks to the ranch.

Addi was so sad and to be honest, I was too! How doesn't want to give their daughter a "pony". Oh well. It's best that he be ridden for what he was bred to be! I do think he'd have a better life with Addi as his owner, but I may be a little bias.


We are slowly putting our own touches on our home. I bought an "oops" paint from Lowe's. I surprised Heath and painted a wall in our home. After a week or two, we decided we didn't like it as much as we thought we would. Back to Lowe's ... here's our first few days of the new color ... much better!! 

self portraits ... in a new way

What happens with you leave Addi, unsupervised, with my camera?  Looking through my memory card and came across this "self portrait".  I am so in love with this child and her creativity!

new kicks ... my style!

The kids got new shoes.  Both chose to get Converse.  Logan's are just plain black but Addi's are totally my style and I found them in my size .. almost bought them .. but couldn't bring myself to do it.  We went to Ross, which totally made them affordable.  I love the color!!  ToTaLLy my child!!

re election

I was so honored when Sam asked if I would take his re election pictures and pictures for his website. I was definitely intimidated, though, knowing these would be seen by so many. 

{we also snapped a quick one of father and son ... such handsome men}

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Oh my word! The kids are in loooove with using a type writer! I took them to the library today, to do homework and this was more of a distraction than being at home!! :)