Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 3 - swimming??

The kids thought it was a good idea to go swimming since it was so "warm".  It was 80+ ... however ... not warm enough to warm up the pool.  ha ha

april 2 - peeps smores ... from Pinterest

We found yet another idea from Pinterest (shocker, right?) - Peep's smores!!  They were really yummy!  And it was fun using our fireplace. 

And some random pictures of Addi and Kaiden playing their version of tether ball!  Love these two ... always trying to find a challenge!

march 27 - pinterest cookies

To say "thank you" for letting us borrow some ski clothes, me and Addi made some cookies from a recipe we found on Pinterest.  How fun are these??  They look like something from Scooby Doo with the 70's coloring.  ha ha.  It was fun making them though and they weren't bad!

March 28 - Uma box

Our Uma box arrived this day!!  She always does so great and spoils us to no end!

And a random picture of Addi's clean room (very rare) and her new bed ... thanks Dad!!  PS .. don't pay any attention to the wall ... it's not done!  ha ha

March 30 - Mammal Mania

Addi had a huge, month long project for "Mammal Mania".  Her report was on the Sea Otter.  She did soo good and it was fun learning about the Sea Otter's too!  

Logan also had a book report due the same day.  He did a great job.

March 31: grandma jean's, train park and easter pageant

After our first baseball game ... we had a busy afternoon planned.  First game ... Peter Piper Pizza then ....

Grandma Jean's for Easter baskets!  Easter with Grandma Kuhn (what we called her growing up) was what we looked forward to every year.  We loved coming to AZ in the spring.  It beats the cold Northern Cali weather!  I love seeing that Logan, Addi and Kaiden love it just as much as we did growing up.  Uncle Mike did blood sugar tests on Logan, Kaiden and Heath.  Weird boys.  Me and Addi stayed out of it!  We knew better.

Then ... Stillman Train Park!  Logan's FAVE park in AZ.  It was fun taking Kaiden there for the first time.  I love that the kids aren't too old for playing at the park. I know they will be soon.  All three kids get along so well .. makes for some fun family memories!

And last .... Mesa Temple Easter Pageant!  Ted, Stephanie and their kids were in it, like they are every year.  The only night we could go, while Kaiden was in town, was the Spanish night!  It was definitely different.  I should have dressed a little more appropriately; all the missionaries were talking to me like I was an investigator.  So embarrassing.

That wasn't actually last ... then we went and played Miniature Golf!  Phew.  Seriously. Long. Day!